We’re so pleased to hear from another happy customer.

In the 5+ years that I’ve been the head chef at Bru Haus, a popular Santa Monica/Westside German beer gastropub, our food menu has gone through many changes. We’ve developed the menu to accommodate ever changing food trends, and keep up with the short attention span of this city’s desires. We’ve gone from simple and limited menus, to vast and varietal menus, to seasonal, to popular, even to themed. The only constant in our menu since day one, and for many future years to come, has been the one and only… Giant Bavarian Pretzel. Both apropos for our “German theme” and the fact that we are a “sports bar” at times, the pretzel has long since been a staple on our menu. Popular for it’s appearance (“it’s bigger than your head!”) and even more so once it’s being devoured (“it’s so fluffy! it’s so warm and soft! it’s so fresh tasting, did they just bake it?”) Prop and Peller’s product is such a success that as a chef I have come up with multiple ways to utilize the product so I can sell even more varieties of it.

One would look at the giant pretzel and assume there is only one use for it– bake it as is, with salt, serve with dipping sauces or mustards. But I’ve pleasantly discovered that P&P’s pretzel has so much more versatility than it appears to. For instance, I’ve flash-fried it, dusted it with sugar and turned it into a dessert Churro Pretzel. I’ve crusted it with nuts and caramels and strewn berries all over it for another. I’ve managed to score out the middle of the pretzel “ring” and stuffed it with various meats and cheeses, to make stuffed pretzels. There are so many creative possibilities with almost all P&P products that it makes it easy to optimize the best usage for any venue/event.

Considering how well they do as a brand, I am constantly surprised by the intimate level of customer service Prop & Peller provides. I’ve always felt like I was being treated as more than a client, like a friend. It’s easy to say they go above and beyond to cultivate a solid relationship with their customers and are willing to do whatever they can to ensure reliability, product quality, and support. I love Prop & Peller and the people I’ve met through working with this brand. Quality products and quality people. You can’t ask for more. 🙂

Thank you so very much Chef Jina Lee and keep exploring those delicious pretzel recipes!