Still Twisted After All These Years

Many of you who have the privilege of working with Claudia Maria Hillmeier know there’s always going to be magic involved. It’s been an absolute honor and privilege to work with Claudia for these past thirteen years and I am grateful for all of the crazy adventures we’ve shared, so far.

I moved from New England to Boulder City, Nevada. I wanted to take it easy and relax for a while. That lasted all but three weeks when by chance I discovered an ad for “part-time office help, German speaking helpful.” I met with Claudia, she hired me on the spot. We had an immediate connection and a week later “the office” was my den, our test bakery was my garage, and I quickly became a pretzel Angel.

My background was art and theater, and I ran 2 taverns. I had no idea about baking pretzels, the import business, and distribution, but I learned everything on-the-spot. We could write a book about all of the twists and turns it took to arrive at the pretzel heaven we enjoy today. I have grown as a person in so many ways and I am so grateful for each new pretzel adventure and conquest. The Prop & Peller team is rocking the Universe, we’ve come a long way baby! Here’s to love, peace, happiness, and pretzels.   ~ Marie Rosa, Original Twisted Sister